Online Art Mentoring


Personalised art tuition is a great way to help you gain skills more quickly, where the focus is soley on your improvement. If you feel your skills in drawing need sharpening, you would like to brush up on your watercolors or you would like to me more painterly with your oils, then book a lesson or more, I'd like to help!
  • 1 hour per month (or as many as you would like to book) personal art mentoring via HD webcam (using MSN teams software). This would not include a video recording of the online mentoring.
  • Date and Time arranged via email correspondence. Available times given via a Google Calendar link.
  • Cost £26.00 1 Hour. (For more hours just increase the quantity).
  • Please refer to the Important Details section for more information (see below).

Important  details.
Timetabling the individual sessions will be calendared in via Google calendar so you can see available times. Although I can be flexible there will be some days which I can’t teach. Please note I can’t teach on Wednesdays and Fridays.
It is the responsibility for both parties to attend the agreed appointment. To have a good internet connection and a webcam to carry out the live mentorship. Once a date and time has been set for the mentoring it is important to be online and ready to receive the call. Changes to date and time must be done with 48 hours’ notice.
When I am critiquing work or amending it, I may use digital (Photoshop) or traditional medium to visually describe techniques or correct areas of the art work.
Technical details.
Technology. I will have a HD webcam to film the one to one tuition (or record the painting techniques) a recording of which will be shared with you, to look back on. And there would obviously be a requirement on you to have a webcam too and a microphone on your device. If I am giving critique of your art work it will be important for you to be able to send clear and high quality photographs or scans of your art work.  High quality means the painting is well lit, full colour, as close in asthetic to the true art work as possible and min of 1000 pixels in resolution.
You will need to either download the MSN web teams app or create an account via MSN web teams  in order to receive the video call.

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    Cambridge, UK

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